Financial Results | IR Library | Investor Relations | Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
2025-02-19 19:564th Quarter. Consolidated Financial Results (367KB). Financial Results Presentation (1,265KB). Financial Results Reference Materials (402KB). *Summary of consolidated financial results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, released on May 11, 2023, recognizing the effects of subsequent events. Please refer to the underlined ...
Investor Relations | Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
5. Form 20-F. Report summarizes Honda's medium- to long-term initiatives to enhance its corporate value. Delivering the "future" that Honda envisions and the will and thought of each individual to take on the challenge. *From this point, you will be connected to the New York Stock Exchange website. Honda Investors Relations website contains ...
Login | Honda Financial Services
Honda Financial Services Customer Secure Login Page. Login to your Honda Financial Services Customer Account.
決算関連資料 | IR資料室 | 投資家情報 | Honda公式サイト
2023年3月期 第4四半期. 決算説明会資料 (1,515KB). 決算説明会資料 (スクリプト付) (1,338KB). 決算参考資料 (414KB). ※2023年5月11日に公表しました2023年3月期決算の数値は、品質関連費用に関する見積り変更の影響を反映し訂正しております。. 訂正箇所は ...
Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (HMC) Income Statement - Yahoo Finance
Get the detailed quarterly/annual income statement for Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (HMC). Find out the revenue, expenses and profit or loss over the last fiscal year.
PDF 汽車製造業導入 IFRS 實務探討 - Deloitte US
Honda 日本 日本 GAAP 有鑑於我國上市櫃及興櫃公司等將於2013 年開始採用IFRS,本文主要針對汽車製造業 ... 相關會計政策,作為國內汽車產業日後採用IFRS 之參考。 收入認列 就會計面而言,收入認列之主要關鍵在於所有風險與報酬是否已移轉,以及是否已履行 ...
株式情報. 株主還元. 株主優待について. 規則(定款・株式取扱規則). 株式事務手続きのご案内. 債券・格付情報. IRカレンダー. 個人投資家の皆様へ. Honda公式サイトの財務・業績情報をご覧いただけます。.
Segment Information | Financial Data | Investor Relations | Honda Motor ...
22,832. Total. 726,370. 633,637. 660,208. 871,232. 780,769. In addition to the disclosure required by IFRS, Honda provides the supplemental geographical information for financial statements users. A subsequent event has occurred with respect to the consolidated financial results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, announced on May 11, 2023.
Financial Services Overview | Honda
College Grad Program. Life after college is full of new opportunities and new expenses, so some extra money could go a long way. Whatever your dreams or needs are, Honda Financial Services is happy to offer a $500 savings on a new vehicle for qualified recent college grads. View Offer Details.
Corporate Profile | About Honda | Honda Global Corporate Website
Honda's global presence. Since it began motorcycle exports in the 1950s, Honda has been expanding beyond Japan. Honda creates jobs in each region, develops human resources, and continues to create products that are accepted in each market while growing together with its associates in the local communities.
Honda_群喜汽車事業股份有限公司的所有【會計】面試心得 | 面試趣
【應徵分析】Honda Cars_會計 (板橋_管理部)-104人力銀行
月薪35,000~40,000元. 資訊會計人員. 山隆通運股份有限公司. 新北市板橋區 經歷不拘 大學以上. 待遇面議. 【undefined】可以透過學歷、科系、工作經歷、語言能力、技能、證照、性別、年齡的履歷分佈,了解應徵「Honda Cars_會計 (板橋_管理部)|HONDA_鴻源汽車 ...
【應徵分析】Honda Cars_服務會計專員(中和)-104人力銀行
【undefined】可以透過學歷、科系、工作經歷、語言能力、技能、證照、性別、年齡的履歷分佈,了解應徵「Honda Cars_服務會計專員(中和)|HONDA_鴻源汽車股份有限公司」的競爭者分佈。你可以透過這些資訊評估自己競爭優勢在哪裡,是否適合此份工作。
Honda Cars_會計 (板橋_管理部)|HONDA_鴻源汽車|新北市-104 人力銀行
新北市板橋區 - 1.開立發票、傳票切立。 2.銀行往來、應付帳款作業 3.401申報憑證整理。 4.主管交辦事項。 ...。薪資:月薪30,000~34,000元。職務類別:記帳/出納/一般會計、財務會計助理。找工作請上104人力銀行。
American Honda Motor Co., Inc. - Official Site
SEE HONDA DREAMS COME TO LIFE. Future and modified vehicles and products shown. Honda's role in research and projects shown varies. Visit or for more information. Explore an innovative line of quality products from American Honda Motor Company. Find the latest news and information on Honda and Acura brand products.
Honda從創業至今,一直以「希望能把喜悅帶給全世界的顧客」的企業理念為基礎,致力於提供合理價位的高品質產品。 在製造符合顧客所期盼的產品之外,Honda也從地球環保及交通安全為出發點,以提供對人類的生活以及對社會有幫助的產品、技術與服務為重要 ...
Honda Cars_服務會計專員(三重)|HONDA_鴻源汽車|新北市-104 人力銀行
新北市三重區 - 1.顧客茶水接待、結帳作業。 2.出勤統計、各項統計報表製作。 3.主管交辦事項、各項事務支援。 4...。薪資:月薪31,000~40,000元。職務類別:記帳/出納/一般會計、其他客服人員、行政人員。找工作請上104人力銀行。
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【初級會計學】會計入門 第一集 會計基本概念 Accounting in Action - YouTube
00:00 前言01:28 會計的定義02:51 會計的意義及目的05:40 會計資訊的程序13:31 會計要素及會計恆等式28:01 會計科目38:37 財務報表44:26 情境題
初級會計學_投資 按攤銷後成本衡量之金融資產(AC) - YouTube
初會講義預購連結: 講義下載:平日不定時七點有影片,用淺顯易懂的方式帶你 ...
啟芳會計系統 (天馬座) 檔案下載. 版本資訊. Pegasus_62b. E0.00.62b 丙檢 專用,若需序號請電洽業務。. (108/7/1起報名者適用) Pegasus_Tax_62b. E0.00.62b 乙檢 專用,若需序號請電洽業務。.