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2024-12-11 04:152 Digital Transformation of Logistics: Demystifying Impacts of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the authors peel back the layers of excitement that have grown around new technologies
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11月18日,剛好是理律法律事務所資深合夥人陳長文六十歲生日,這個華人世界最知名的大律師,剛為自己打完人生中最重要的一仗。一個月前,驚爆理律員工劉偉杰盜賣客戶新帝公司(SanDisk)託管股票新台幣30億元,這個華人最大的律師事務所在完全無預警下,連錯愕都來不及,就必須進行「生死 ...
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FAT seeks court protection from bank creditors - Taipei Times
Sherry Lin (林秀玲), a senior attorney and partner at Lee & Li Attorneys at Law (理律律師事務所), said that the attitude of debtor banks would play a crucial role in the court's decision on FAT's application.
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