Roger K.S. Wong, Lawyer in HK | Justia
2025-02-15 01:30Justia Lawyer Directory Roger K.S. Wong (852) 223-0352 Tap to Call This Lawyer. Roger K.S. Wong Update your profile now! K&L Gates. ... Activities: Functions organizer, La Salle College Old Boys' Association Limited Current Activities: Honory Legal Advisor of ...
Tim Wong. 黃添偉大律師 ... La Salle College, Hong Kong. Selected Cases. Administrative and Public Law. Chiu Luen Public Light Bus Co. Ltd. v Persons Unlawfully Occupying or Remaining on the Public Highway namely, the Westbound Carriageway of Argyle Street between the junction of Tung Choi Street and Portland Street [2014] 6 HKC 298, HCMP ...
La Salle Primary School's mission is to give a human and Christian education to the young, paying particular attention to the needy.School Motto: Fides et Opera ... Mr. Roger Wong (Sponsoring Body Manager) Mr. Augustine Wong (Sponsoring Body Manager) Mr. Leung Ho Yin (Sponsoring Body Manager) Mr. Roger Lee (Alternate Sponsoring Body Manager ...
To provide advice to the Principal and IMC as and when required. To develop a 5 Year Plan for Cultural Arts - dance, drama, music, speech, visual arts - for the College including indicative projections of annual budgetary needs. To consider other topics, as defined by the La Salle College Principal and/or IMC.
HILLSBORO OFFICE. 5289 NE Elam Young Pkwy, Suite 110 Hillsboro, OR 97124. PORTLAND OFFICE. 1140 SW 11th Ave #400 Portland, OR 97205. Call 503-648-0707
About Us CN - Wong, Wong & Associates, P.C.
黃與黃律師事務所創立於1988年,是現今大紐約地區歷史最久, 規模最大的由華裔創立經營的律師事務所。在《紐約法律報》2012年6月"紐約州最大少數族裔律師事務所排行榜"上,黃與黃律師事務所再次名列華裔律師事務所第一、少數族裔律師事務所第三。
For Individuals CN - Wong, Wong & Associates, P.C.
黃與黃律師事務所的律師致力於為弱勢群體申張正義,維護權益。. 通過對法律的熟練掌握和策略性的訴訟技巧,我們會把您的法律費用降到最低而取得最好的結果。. 從我們接手您的案件開始,直至庭審和後續的階段,我們會與您緊密合作,及時通知您案件的 ...
RW Chambers | Barrister Chambers | Hong Kong
RW Chambers is a longstanding and well-regarded set of barristers' chambers which renders solid professional advice with emphasis on high standards of professional ethics. We have a proud history of prominent judicial and public office appointments. Our members, currently numbering 20, practise in all major areas of civil litigation.
香港律師行指南 | The Law Society of Hong Kong
Tim Wong. 黃添偉大律師 ... 鄧曉時大律師. Call: 2004 (HK) Shannon Leung. 梁家欣大律師. Call: 2005 (HK) Brian Wong. 王武煒大律師. Call: 2006 (HK) Alan Yung.
About the Law Society - Law Society of Hong Kong
Details of WONG & LAWYERS ; Name (English) WONG & LAWYERS: Name (Chinese) 黃廣安律師行: Address (English) 12/F, SKYLINE TOWER,18 TONG MEI ROAD, MONGKOK, KOWLOON, HONG KONG: Address (Chinese) 香港 九龍旺角塘尾道18號嘉禮大廈12字樓全層: Telephone: 3695-0581: Fax: 3695-0680: Staff; Sole Practitioner: WONG KWONG ON 黃廣安 ...
De La Salle University in Napa, California (CA)
De La Salle University: Employer Identification Number (EIN) 200376237: Name of Organization: De La Salle University: In Care of Name: Louis De Thomasis: Address: PO BOX 3720, Napa, CA 94558-0371: Activities: Special school for the blind, handicapped, etc, Hospital, Publishing activities: Subsection:
| The Law Society of Hong Kong
曾宇佐陳遠翔律師行 的 詳 情; 名 稱 (英 文) tsang, chan & wong: 名 稱 (中 文) 曾宇佐陳遠翔律師行: office 803b, 8/f, tower i, admiralty centre, 18 harcourt road, admiralty, hong kong: 香港 金鐘夏慤道18號 海富中心1座8樓803b室: 電 話: 2524-5131: 傳 真: 2845-0324: 電 郵 地 址: [email protected] ...
Congratulations to La Salle High School Class of 2013
La Salle College Acceptances Class of 2013. La Salle High School, 3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd., Pasadena, (626) 351-8951 or visit
Philanthropy - New Hope Chinese Cancer Care Foundation
$300,000+ En-Yong Foundation 恩榮基金會 . $50,000 - $70,000. Anonymous 善心人士. NATIONAL PHILANTHROPIC TRUST/ Liang, Roger & Annie 梁華哲、郭殷如. $30,000 - $50,000. Chinese Cancer Memorial Foundation 華人癌症紀念基金會. Hsu, Ta-Lin & Joyce 徐大麟、沈悅. Jiang, Hardy & Victor W.
3733 S La Salle Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90018 | Zillow
Estimated market value. $885,600. What's this number? Unlock your offer. 3733 S La Salle Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90018 is currently not for sale. The 850 Square Feet single family home is a 3 beds, 1 bath property. This home was built in null and last sold on 2024-07-02 for $--.
fanny k.h. wong . 黃錦卿 大律師. ernie tung . 董皓哲 大律師. lee hiu lam zoe . 李曉琳 大律師. danny fung . 馮百馭 大律師 . jacqueline lam .
About the Law Society - Law Society of Hong Kong
Details of CHAN, WONG & YIP, SOLICITORS ; Name (English) CHAN, WONG & YIP, SOLICITORS: Name (Chinese) 陳黃葉律師事務所: Address (English) 10/F, FAR EAST CONSORTIUM BUILDING, 121 DES VOEUX ROAD CENTRAL, HONG KONG: Address (Chinese) 香港 中環德輔道中121 號 遠東發展大廈10 樓: Telephone: 3716-8686: Fax: 2544-3322: E-mail ...
Our Attorneys/律師團隊 -
Lawrence Wong, the Principal / 王明武律師, 創始人. Lawrence Wong, the owner of Wong & Associates, brings over 40 years of real-world experience to serving clients in the Bay Area. Lawrence Wong has been admitted to practice law in the State of Idaho in 1976, and in California since June 23, 1978. Additionally, he has been admitted to ...
| The Law Society of Hong Kong
陳黃林律師行 的 詳 情; 名 稱 (英 文) chan, wong & lam: 名 稱 (中 文) 陳黃林律師行: unit 710, 7/f, china insurance group building, 141 des voeux road central, central, hong kong: 香港 中環德輔道中141號 中保集團大廈7樓710室: 電 話: 2525-0350: 傳 真: 2537-1031: dx 號 碼: 009115 central 1: 電 郵 地 址
黃約翰律師事務所 WONG & CO., JOHN W. -
黃約翰律師事務所WONG & CO., JOHN W.,位於香港中環德輔道中71號 永安集團大廈506室,法律諮詢電話3796-0900; 2110-0638,電郵[email protected]。
| The Law Society of Hong Kong
王吉顯律師行 的 詳 情; 名 稱 (英 文) WONG & CO., PETER K.H. 名 稱 (中 文) 王吉顯律師行: 17/F, WING ON CHEONG BUILDING,5 WING LOK STREET, CENTRAL, HONG KONG: 香港 中環永樂街5 號永安祥大廈17樓: 電 話: 2111-2033: 傳 真: 2110-9022: 電 郵 地 址: [email protected]: 職 員; 獨 營 執 業 者 ...